Attendance Machine

Attendance Machines

It is very economical option that keeps record of the incoming and outgoing time of employees in the smartest way possible.Its related software calculates daily /weekly/monthly presence of an employee upto minutes level,late arrival/early departure and OT calculation etc.


Biometric Finger Print Verification
  • Perfect solution to present proxy punching.
  • Support both verification and identification mode
LAN/WAN with TCP/IP Protocol
  • 10/100 base-T eternal TCP/IP interface
  • Centralized data collection using broad bank connectivity.
  • Easy IP address configuration through reader keyboard.
Types Of Reports
  • It shows current status of on duty employees .
  • This report gives detailed information of working hours,numbers of In and Out entries of employees.
  • Reports of presence,absentees,late arrival,early departure and total working hours of each employee.
Most of Other features
  • In built battery back up for upto 48 hrs.
  • Data memory -24000 or more transactions